[S3tools-general] s3cmd reviewers and co-maintainers needed
Matt Domsch
2014-09-19 11:56:22 UTC
Greetings s3cmd community! A lot has happened with s3cmd over the last
year, here's a brief update...

I joined author Michal Ludvig as a maintainer of the project, reviewing
patches and pull requests, and dealing with crash bugs of all sorts as
reported to the mailing lists and as issues in github. I did a lot of work
to get us to a 1.5.0-rc state. Michal's life has kept him from
contributing to s3cmd on a regular basis for quite some time, so I thank
him for the foresight [1] to add me as a maintainer.

I haven't had as much time to review patches for inclusion lately, and need
some help. I'd love to get at least* two additional reviews* of each pull
request posted in github, plus mine, before merging the pull requests. All
it takes is a github account, python experience, and a willingness to
review and comment. This would speed up the backlog quite a bit.

After a period of time reviewing and commenting, *if you'd like to be
promoted to co-maintainer*, let me know and we can discuss. I'm quite open
to adding co-maintainers, but won't just hand it out like candy. A few
regular contributors have expressed interest in the past. If still
interested, let me know.

The current version is 1.5.0-rc1, with only a couple patches merged since
that was cut. It's in pretty good shape - not perfect, but a far sight
better than what is in most of the Linux distribution repositories at
present. I'm open to bug fixes, but not changes in functionality, at this
point in the release cycle. After 1.5.0 final is cut, we can start merging
in the feature changes again.

A second behind-the-scenes change is that Michal has assigned his
copyrights in s3cmd, and his ownership of the s3cmd.org and s3tools.org
domains, to TGRMN Software. You may have caught the copyright header
change in many files, and seen the refreshed web sites. TGRMN are the
makers of the S3Express tool for Windows. Matt Bartoli (@matteobar in
github, ***@s3tools.org) made the 1.5.0-rc1 announcement.

In this assignment, very little has changed. What has NOT changed is that
s3cmd continues to be licensed GPLv2+, individual contributors retain their
copyrights to their contributions, and s3cmd continues to be

Thank you for your continued use and interest in s3cmd. We've got over
4000 downloads of the software each day from SourceForge, over a million
downloads in 2014 alone, an incredible number, plus the uncountable number
using it straight from the Linux distribution repositories.

Matt Domsch
s3cmd maintainer

lesson 5
