[S3tools-general] Add Cache-Control with out changing existing metadata?
Geo P.C.
2014-12-19 13:10:21 UTC
Dear Support

We are using latest version of s3cmd 1.5.0-rc1 and we uploaded around 60Gb
of mp3 and HTML files to Amazon s3 bucket.

Now we need to add cache control to these files and given the command as

s3cmd modify --recursive --acl-public
--add-header="Cache-Control:max-age=2592000" s3://geo-site/webroot/

But now the files (mp3 and HTML) are not working and when we checked the
metadata of files Content-Type changed to binary_octet-stream

So please let us know with out changing existing metadata how we can add
Cache-Control? Please help us on it.

91 9495250348
Matt Domsch
2014-12-20 02:21:58 UTC
did you check this out from github.com/s3tools/s3cmd master branch in the
last few days, or did you get the 1.5.0-rc1 tarball? Master branch has a
fix for this added just this week.
Post by Geo P.C.
Dear Support
We are using latest version of s3cmd 1.5.0-rc1 and we uploaded around 60Gb
of mp3 and HTML files to Amazon s3 bucket.
Now we need to add cache control to these files and given the command as
s3cmd modify --recursive --acl-public
--add-header="Cache-Control:max-age=2592000" s3://geo-site/webroot/
But now the files (mp3 and HTML) are not working and when we checked the
metadata of files Content-Type changed to binary_octet-stream
So please let us know with out changing existing metadata how we can add
Cache-Control? Please help us on it.
91 9495250348
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Geo P.C.
2014-12-20 11:58:52 UTC
Its working perfectly fine on s3cmd with master branch.


*Thanks & RegardsGeo P.C.http://pcgeo.blogspot.in/
Post by Matt Domsch
did you check this out from github.com/s3tools/s3cmd master branch in the
last few days, or did you get the 1.5.0-rc1 tarball? Master branch has a
fix for this added just this week.
Post by Geo P.C.
Dear Support
We are using latest version of s3cmd 1.5.0-rc1 and we uploaded around
60Gb of mp3 and HTML files to Amazon s3 bucket.
Now we need to add cache control to these files and given the command as
s3cmd modify --recursive --acl-public
--add-header="Cache-Control:max-age=2592000" s3://geo-site/webroot/
But now the files (mp3 and HTML) are not working and when we checked the
metadata of files Content-Type changed to binary_octet-stream
So please let us know with out changing existing metadata how we can add
Cache-Control? Please help us on it.
91 9495250348
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