Alan Gunn Steel
2016-02-03 04:17:47 UTC
NOTE: This is a resend of a question I submitted before becoming a member.
I am trying to copy a bunch of files up to S3 with the following command...
s3cmd sync -v --dry-run --skip-existing --no-delete-removed --limit-rate=2m
--no-check-md5 /mnt2/save/ s3://visagemobile-collocation-archive/ >>
I don't want to delete any files which are already up there.
But this is what is reported...
INFO: Compiling list of local files...
INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 31 files, this
may take some time...
INFO: Retrieving list of remote files for
s3://visagemobile-collocation-archive/ ...
INFO: Forwarding request to us-west-2
INFO: Found 31 local files, 5 remote files
INFO: Verifying attributes...
INFO: Summary: 28 local files to upload, 0 files to remote copy, 2 remote
files to delete
WARNING: Exiting now because of --dry-run
Do you know why it is reporting that is is going to delete files?
In the log file that this command writes to, it only references "uploads"
-- no removals/deletions.
Thank you!
Alan Gunn Steel
Cell 831-234-9299
I am trying to copy a bunch of files up to S3 with the following command...
s3cmd sync -v --dry-run --skip-existing --no-delete-removed --limit-rate=2m
--no-check-md5 /mnt2/save/ s3://visagemobile-collocation-archive/ >>
I don't want to delete any files which are already up there.
But this is what is reported...
INFO: Compiling list of local files...
INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 31 files, this
may take some time...
INFO: Retrieving list of remote files for
s3://visagemobile-collocation-archive/ ...
INFO: Forwarding request to us-west-2
INFO: Found 31 local files, 5 remote files
INFO: Verifying attributes...
INFO: Summary: 28 local files to upload, 0 files to remote copy, 2 remote
files to delete
WARNING: Exiting now because of --dry-run
Do you know why it is reporting that is is going to delete files?
In the log file that this command writes to, it only references "uploads"
-- no removals/deletions.
Thank you!
Alan Gunn Steel
Cell 831-234-9299