[S3tools-general] New to S3cmd toold
Cory Tselikis
2015-01-02 04:12:06 UTC
Hello all,

I am new to s3cmd tools as well as not very proficient with linux.

I am running a ubuntu virtual machine with a zfs store for dumping my
backups to. Once they have been dumped i have a cron setup to run at 4am
using the sync method to send the updated changes to s3. My question is
does anyone know how to setup an email report or is there a logfile that
can be used to report on if the sync completed or log any errors? I just
want to make sure that I get a report each day stating that my upload was
complete etc.

Thanks for your help
Cory Tselikis
Jeremy Wadsack
2015-01-02 04:24:51 UTC
Cron sends the output of all commands to the email account of the user that
runs the job. This may be a local email drop on the box if you haven't set
up email for your vm.

You can change the address that cron sends the output to by setting the
MAILTO environment variable in the top of your crontab.

See http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/crontab.5.html for more details.

- Jeremy
Post by Cory Tselikis
Hello all,
I am new to s3cmd tools as well as not very proficient with linux.
I am running a ubuntu virtual machine with a zfs store for dumping my
backups to. Once they have been dumped i have a cron setup to run at 4am
using the sync method to send the updated changes to s3. My question is
does anyone know how to setup an email report or is there a logfile that
can be used to report on if the sync completed or log any errors? I just
want to make sure that I get a report each day stating that my upload was
complete etc.
Thanks for your help
Cory Tselikis
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Will McCown
2015-01-02 04:20:08 UTC
If you are using cron, normally an email will be sent to the owner
of the script (eg root if the command is in the root crontab) if
there is any output from the script.

In my experience s3cmd sync usually generate output even if
there isn't anything to update so you should be getting emails

You can add the directive:


to change the address mail is sent to. (This does assume your Ubuntu
machine is configured with a MTA. If that hasn't been set up
a bit of web-searching should show you the way.)
Post by Cory Tselikis
Hello all,
I am new to s3cmd tools as well as not very proficient with linux.
I am running a ubuntu virtual machine with a zfs store for dumping my
backups to. Once they have been dumped i have a cron setup to run at 4am
using the sync method to send the updated changes to s3. My question is
does anyone know how to setup an email report or is there a logfile that
can be used to report on if the sync completed or log any errors? I just
want to make sure that I get a report each day stating that my upload
was complete etc.
Thanks for your help
Cory Tselikis
Dive into the World of Parallel Programming! The Go Parallel Website,
sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your
hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought
leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a
look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net
S3tools-general mailing list
Will McCown, Rolling Hills Estates, CA